Working from home survey LP

Covid-19 has changed the reality

of workforce around the world.

Ensure your employees’ well-being while working from home

Please fill in the following details to get a free month license

Nemesysco’s new “Working from home survey” provides a broader picture of your employees’ mood, energy levels, pain centers and general well-being.

This information can be further used by you, the manager,  to better foresee future events and make decisions with optimal data at hand.

Low stress

These test results show an employee with a good mood, with high levels of energy and low stress levels. He has minor stress issues concerning communication with the office staff and management that might need a deeper look. Generally speaking, we see a stable, working from home employee.

High stress

On the other hand, these results show an employee with high stress levels, along with low energy and a low general mood. We recommend speaking with this employee more often. It may be a bad day, but if these kind of warnings persist, there may be a place to offer professional assistance.

Add an accurate emotion detection tool to your personal and professional experience, and discover when your employees are in real stress and are in need for help.

Know your employees’ overall state of mind from a distance and provide them with guidance and assistance when they really need it.

Please fill in the following details to get a free month license

The LVA-I system is downloaded and installed locally on your computer where all of the data and information is stored automatically. 
WFH survey is conducted personally by the HR manager of each organization using Skype/Zoom/Teams or any other VoIP Application. 

No special equipment needed.